Personalizing Your Ugly Christmas T Shirt
To Make  It Stylish

Personalizing Your Ugly Christmas T Shirt To Make  It Stylish

We wear Christmas T-shirts and sweaters every year and but I personally find most of these T-shirts ugly so I got to come out with some ways to style these up and make it funky. My objective here is to show you the simple techniques I use to personalize my Christmas t-shirt.

Setting up your T-shirt.

You got to prepare for action so I will recommend that you have an overall design and work toward that design. You can check all around the web to get inspiration for the new style to apply on your t-shirt.

Protect your shirt against glue sticking by placing a barrier inside and try your t-shirt before to help it stretch out.

Cut felt into Shapes Using Stencils

Yep, let’s get started. Use your stencils and cut the felt to the desired shape. You can cut it in a way to spell out letters for example.

Adding your extra decorations

You can use ribbon to spell out anything you want or add cheesy embellishments like bows and bells. You can find a funny photo of yourself or a celebrity and add it to your design. Here glue up he felt and everything you prepared for your design.

Light it up! It’s Christmas J

We are almost done personalizing our t-shirt and the most to step is adding mini Christmas LED lights on your design. It is for Christmas so you have to flash out as many red lights as possible.

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