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The Bowler hats created a havoc in the fashion industry in the 20th century and since then have been a common choice among the fashionistas when one wants to try a retro style. These hats are known to complete a retro fashion clothing and are now being incorporated with modern trends. The hats have a rounded crown as compared to the conventional hats which have a more flat crown. So what are the factors one needs to remember while buying bowler hats?
The Size
These hats come in different sizes depending on the size of one’s head. These hats are supposed to sit comfortably on the head and snug only slightly. It could be quite tricky to take the right measurement. Buying the wrong size of head could result in continuous headaches. The hat must be loose enough to give the comfort but at the same time snug to the head that it does not fall off.
The Design
One of the best features of these hats are the warmth that they provide to one wearing them. They are made using wool and fur. These hats ensure that they trap the heat and are perfect for winters. The materials provide a great texture for one and gives a good feel to wear them. The design aspect of the bowler hat still keeps them quite popular among the fashionistas.
The Shape
Bowler hats are not one to fit in all the heads. They are more like for one specific head and they do not change their shape easily. They are sturdier than the normal hats. They are generally available in standard sizes, but one could also order for custom made ones.
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